PERFORMANCE OCHRE performativity
‘Judith Butler* gave importante extension to the power of performativity in explaining gender roles, a women for exemplo, is not an instance of a essential category, she both performs and is performed as a women in a society that created the category. ** ‘
In this series of photomontages, Anita Ekman discusses the bodily movement in the rock art of Serra da Capivara National Park, discussing the archaeological interpretations of the construction of sexually genders.
*Judith Butler. EXCITABLE SPEECH. A POLITICS OF THE PERFORMATIVE. (Routledge, New York & London 1997)
** Turnbull, David. ‘Performativity and Complex Adaptive Systems: Working with Multiple Narratives Across Knowledge Traditions’, Studia UBB Philosophia, vol. 57, n.1, 2012, 9-33. Available on line at http://studia.ubbcluj.ro/download/pdf/703.pdf
Support: Echoes of the South Atlantic Goethe-Institut (Project Wombs of the Atlantic Rainforest)